In a
previous posting, three main types of bins, the three bin system (also referred to as a turning bin) was detailed. In this type of bin, the piles are built to the height of the fencing in two of the three piles. Turning the piles is easy in this type of system. Notice in the picture below that the two bins on the left are filled with compost and covered with black plastic to retain moisture. Move the compost from the middle pile to the open space at the right which will aerate the pile. Now move the pile from the left hand bin to the now vacated middle, empty bin. When turning the pile from one bin to the next, use a hay fork or some other device with significant space between the tines. This will allow for easy release of the material from the fork.

Here are some notes from the sign next to the three bin system at Gove, Denver Urban Gardens' demonstration site on the west side of Colorado Blvd. just north or 13th Avenue:.
- The unit is made of recycled wooden pallets wired together with t-post for support, if needed
- Additional pallets across the front of the unite and chicken wire on the inside will keep materials from spilling out
- Wood pallets are widely available for free (more information to follow)
- The system is modular, meaning you can add extra pallets as needed